Saturday, April 17, 2010

Personal Rant- a Local One

Errrrght! Let's stop for a moment and switch gears. OK- a small rant: What's the deal with all of this locavore talk?!?! I mean, I'm one to support local farmers and producers as much as the next guy or gal, but ONLY SO LONG AS THE PRODUCT IS OF A QUALITY WORTH SUPPORTING! If local farmers want to make a go of it, I say, "power to you brother! But pretty please with raspberries on top, make it's taste blow my friggin' mind!" Thankfully, in Seattle, WA, this isn't an issue. Our farmers and chefs are producing a top quality-tasting product in addition to the local and organic qualities we hold oh, so dear. But what of those out there who are riding the coattails of the "local" Conga line? Personally, and I don't care if this does sound Republican, I prefer to eat food with flavors that bring me to my knees, even if that means eating food not grown locally!

We, as consumers, should absolutely not support producers for the sole reason that they are local, but rather, because their product is superior and, as a perk, they are also local! May I remind you all that human civilization was built on trade and "globalization"; this is no new concept to our way of being and Mr. Ford had a point about specialization. Whether or not that means we should eat Strawberries in January is another matter. Personally, I say eat what you like, try to eat in season, and for God's sake support products that taste of angel's kisses due to their flavor and not for where they are produced!

Either way, travelling foods will nearly never taste quite as good as ones produced locally anyway, but we should still demand a high quality from our producers all the same. I would rather eat better tasting food from Argentina, than mediocre-tasting food from Washington state!

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