Wandering through the heavy serenity and inhaling fragrant breaths of moist air perfumed by oak, I am awed at the beauty of this place. We wind adjacent to the shore of the Chatahoochie River and listen for the squawks of geese bathing in its cool running waters. Eric and I marvel at our chance encounters with the many rock caves and plateaus that look like abandoned spaceships and imagine what it would be like to camp out in their cool, dark depths. It is such a treat to visit this National Park at Island Ford*, and fall back into a time when Georgia was hushed and uncluttered with people. To truly explore a place, is to know its calm as well as its commotion, and standing here sheltered by the mighty magnolias and oaks, I feel that we are one step closer to knowing Georgia.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Atlanta Day 2: Family and Friends and Tapas, Oh My!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Atlanta: Day 1
A thick blanket of fragrant humidity envelops my body in a familiar and comforting grasp; I happily find myself in a paradise where night’s cloak reveals the melodious treasure of a forest orchestra serenading me through pianos and fortes of chirps and hisses. This place vibrates with music and color; the dazzlement of my senses is only dampened by the heavy moisture that lingers on the air, compressing my soul in on itself like a heavy brick, a sensation not altogether unwelcome, for it permits me to look inward, for a change. To say that I feel, “in my element” here might be a gross understatement. All life seems to thrive here and so why should I be any different? I long to go out into the night and dance through the heavy sky, if only just for a moment to feel the temperature collision that arises between my naked skin and the sweet warm air. I feel like a flower on the verge of bloom; excited and trembling at the curiosity of my unknown fate. This is it. I am grateful for it. The future awaits.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Roasting In the Heat

My adoring hubby has been so supportive of my recent obsession with discovering more traditional Italian recipes, that he recently contributed to my ever-growing food library with a most wonderful book: The Italian Farmer's Table by Matthew Scialabba and Melissa Pellegrino, in which I discovered this surprising recipe for roasted veggies. I think I may have stumbled upon a new way of making my beloved Ratatouille- the vinaigre lends an especially delightful tang that is mellowed by the sweetness of the carrots and peppers. Eric and I let the veggies cool to room temp and ate this as a topping to toasted day-old baguette… YUMM! What a way to eat your veggies and roast in the heat!
Tomato Roasted Veggies- Adapted by me from The Italian Farmer's Table:
1 small eggplant, julienned (matchstick cut)
1 bell pepper of your choice, julienned
1 sliced onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
3-5 Tomatoes, puréed
Extra Virgin Olive Oil to coat veggies (~1/4 cup)
2 Tbs red Wine Vinaigre
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup chopped fresh basil
½ cup chopped parsley
1. Preheat the oven to 425 Fahrenheit
2. Toss the veggies with the olive oil, vinaigre, seasoning, and tomato purée and pour onto a sheet pan in an even level (for even cooking)
3. Roast until the liquid is all evaporated and the veggies are soft (40-75 minutes)
4. When done roasting, remove from the oven, and top with the chopped parsley, basil, additional seasoning (salt and pepper if needed), and drizzle of olive oil
5. Let cool to room temperature and serve over toasted bread, aside your morning omlet, or over pasta
Happy Eating!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday Taco Cravings

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
First Official Cooking Class: Bread and Tomatoes
Alison and I reviewing the menu and recipes for class
Last Friday, I hosted my very first official cooking class to my very first official student, Alison, and all I can say is that it was bliss! The menu was a bit over-ambitious, but Alison toughed it out like a champion and made some the most beautiful and tasty food I have ever experienced! The pièce de résistance was a completely made-from-scratch pizza topped with a sweet and spicy tomato sauce, Crimini mushrooms caramelized in Port, caramelized red onion, fresh mozzarella, and freshly-chopped Basil and Parsley all accompanied by a red and green leaf salad dressed in walnut-sherry vinaigrette (all crafted by my star pupil!). The lesson lasted nearly 4 hours, but by the end of the evening, we feasted like two queens and a king (Eric) and I can honestly say that I've never tasted food that touched my heart the way Alison's did. Thanks Alison, for letting me be a part of your journey through the kitchen and, hopefully, to a newly-found enjoyment in cooking.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Simply Green Dinner

Despite the rampant love affair with cooking and baking that consumes my nearly every thought, I sometimes just don't feel like getting out the pans and knives and tonight is one such night... the ideal night, in fact, for a simply green dinner! Perhaps not as greenly locavore as some might want, but an unmistakable green all the same. Behold What's-In-My-Fridge-Guacamole, Not-Yet-Stale Tortilla Chips, and yesterday's bottle of Kiona 2006 Lemburger- Yumm! Tired simplicity at it's tastiest!